I haven't blogged in what feels like forever. Today's post is a little bit of everything I think:
Last week I introduced you to my boyfriend. This week I am introducing you to his sister, Juli! She is a wife, a sister, a friend, an encourager and a teacher who loves Jesus and her family. She has her own little etsy shop: Julianne By Hand.
For Valentine's day JD had her make me these boot cuffs and a coffee cozy!
Are these not the cutest things ever!? Juli makes them herself and has a ton of colors you can choose from!
Ahhh! I am so in love with this coffee cozy! |
Go check out her shop! Maybe I will do a giveaway for one of her items.... hmm. Who's in?
Quick Update
Day 52: February 21, 2014: Enough said.
Day 53: February 22, 2014: We hung out with another couple this night and it was absolutely perfect. This is my favorite picture of us. :)
Day 54: February 23, 2014: Perfect sunset to end a perfect weekend!
Day 55: February 24, 2014: After a very rough day, sometimes just sitting in the silence of the car makes you realize how blessed you really are.
Day 56: February 25, 2014: Learning to be still.
Day 57: February 26, 2014: The night I met his mom for the first time she told me he has 'explaining hands'. I never realized it until this night at dinner. (Isn't he the cutest thing ever!)
Day 58: February 27, 2014: Sunshine was pouring through the windows and I got an unexpected evening with these two.
Day 59: February 28, 2014: After a looonnnggg week I was finally able to catch up on my shows. So happy Grey's Anatomy is back on.
Well here's to another good week. Hoping next week is better!!!
How are you spending your weekend?